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Institut for Kunst- og Kulturvidenskab (IKK) omfatter fagene litteraturvidenskab, kunsthistorie, musikvidenskab, teatervidenskab og performancestudier i kombination med kulturstudier, visuel kultur og andre analytiske perspektiver, der omhandler kulturens transformationer. IKK's tværfaglige forskningsklynger og centre kombinerer kunst- og kulturstudier i en udvidet kulturvidenskabelig tilgang til nutidige og historiske kunstneriske udtryk. Deres vigtigste forskningsmæssige mål er at bidrage til kulturanalyse og æstetisk analyse som grundlæggende for humanistisk videnskab i det enogtyvende århundrede. |
IKK's forskningsklynger beskrives på IKK's engelske websted.
Kollektive forskningsprojekter
- Aesthetic Protest Cultures: The Avant-Garde after the Avant-Garde
- Algorithms in Art: Displacements with Algorithmic Culture in Danish Art since 1990
- Carl Nielsen, European composer
- Curating the Contemporary: An exhibition history of the museum of modern art as a new Bildung institution
- Curating the Contemporary in the Art Museum
- Data loss (DALOSS): the politics of disappearance, destruction and dispossession in digital societies
- Don’t Take It Personal: Information and Privacy in the Algorithmic Age
- Exhibiting Across the Iron Curtain: The forgotten trail of Danish artists exhibiting in the context of state socialism, ca. 1955-1985
- Feminist emergency: Women artists and feminist art in Denmark over the last sixty years in a globalized context
- Follow Me: The Influence of Danish Digital Media Creators
- Gendering Music Matter
- HomeCTRL
- Kulturens platformisering: Kulturpolitik, kunstmuseer og digitale fællesskaber i tech-giganternes skygge
- Materiality and ideology in court culture 1550-1650, based on Rudolf von Deventer's manuscripts on fireworks and artillery dedicated to Frederik II
- Moving Monuments: The Material Lives of Sculptures from the Danish Colonial Era
- OIKOS. A Cultural Analysis of Care and Crisis in the 21st Century
- The Art of Nordic Colonialism Writing Transcultural Art Histories
- The communities of separatism - Affects in and around separatist artist collectives in the Nordic countries
- Togetherness in Difference: Reimagining identities, communities and histories through art
- Transcultural contact zones: Negotiating the role of art institutions in contemporary societies characterised by migration
- Transcultural Modernism: Artistic Interchange between Denmark and Japan, 1945-1970 (TraM)
- Twisting the Fabric of Space: On the Art and Politics of the Hidden
- Uncertain Archives
- Viden i bevægelse. Dans, krop, arkiv
- Voices, places and strife. The sound of theater and musical drama (1721-1854) as material and intangible cultural heritage, contact: Jens Hesselager