Post-Capitalist Architecture-TV Part 3: On Decolonization and Architecture



Bergen Kunsthall's Festival Exhibition has produced a TV series by Sámi architect and artist Joar Nango on “architecture after the fall of capitalism”. Made especially for the online streaming format, the TV series will contain three new short films, conceptualized and written by Joar Nango and directed together with Sámi filmmaker Ken Are Bongo. What are indigenous people? What is architecture? What is decolonization? Together with art historian Mathias Danbolt (University of Copenhagen) and architect Chris Cornelius (University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee), a member of the Oneida Nation of Wisconsin, Nango looks at the representation and visualization of Sami culture, architecture and life. An example is Knud Leem’s book «Beskrivelse over Finmarkens Lapper deres Tungemaal, Levemaade og forrige Afgudsdyrkelse» (1767), which features a series of illustrations based on earlier paintings, which Danbolt recently discovered in the Royal Library in Copenhagen, and which will feature in the exhibition in Bergen. 




  • kolonihistorie, Sápmi, Joar Nango, Samtidskunst, arkitekturhistorie, urfolk, urfolkskunst, dekolonisering

ID: 248644165