Elizabeth Jochum
Elizabeth Jochum is an Assistant Professor of Robot Aesthetics at Aalborg University (Denmark). Her research focuses on the intersection of robotics, art and performance. She currently teaches in the Art and Technology and Media Arts Cultures programs, where she conducts practice-based research in robotic art and interactive narratives. Previously Dr. Jochum worked with the Geminoid DK in the Human-Centered Robotics Laboratory at AAU, and is a member of the AAU Robotics program. Dr. Jochum is on the program committee for the Culture-Aware Robotics Workshop Series and recently convened the Robots On Stage workshop at the 2015 International Conference on Human Robot Interaction. Dr. Jochum has collaborated with Disney Research and the Neuroscience and Robotics Lab at Northwestern University to design an automated platform for robotic marionettes. She holds bachelor degrees in Theatre and Italian from Wellesley College, and a Masters and PhD in Theatre from University of Colorado Boulder (US).
Can you explain the Uncanny valley concept in less than one minute? Watch others try!
Watch the YouTube video of Elizabeth's presentation at the "Uncanny Valley Revisited" session at the IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS) in October 2013.