Intratemporal Sites of Art

Aktivitet: Tale eller præsentation - typerForedrag og mundtlige bidrag

Tanya Ravn Ag - Andet

What is happening to art when technologically augmented experiences become a part of it, and what is happening to us when art explores and expands on these experiences? The talk examines how, with technological augmentation, the site of art forms in intratemporal situations of experiencing. Taking cues from Unknown Cloud Forming and centered around the experiential condition of intratemporality, we can relocate an idea of time – as neither bound to the duration of the artwork nor to the physical site of its experience – to a deep-temporal and intersubjective interweaving of human cognitive experience with complex temporalities of technics. The intratemporal perspective considers the art as part of a larger narrative in which human experience is changing with technology and opens for considering how art has always participated in human technogenesis.
1 okt. 2021

Begivenhed (Konference)

TitelSites, Sounds and Screens
Dato01/10/2021 → …
AfholdelsesstedKØS - Museum of Art in Public Spaces
Grad af anerkendelseLokal begivenhed

ID: 387507038