International Conference on Critical Kinship Studies

Aktivitet: Deltagelse i arrangement eller begivenhed - typerDeltagelse i workshop, seminar og kursus

Jane Jin Kaisen - Taler

The making of families has today gone global and frequently involves some sort of border crossing. Infertile couples travel transnationally for surrogacy; Denmark has become a known fertility destination providing Danish sperm to single and lesbian couples as well as exporting sperm to other countries; Finnish fertility doctors export their expertise to Spanish and Russian clinics; the Icelandic Parliament has recently adopted a parliamentary resolution permitting surrogacy to be used in assisted reproduction; while transnational adoption continues to be framed as an altruistic practice. In the midst of these new ways of making families comes the growing number of adult adoptees who relocate to their birth countries for shorter or longer periods as well as Nordic parents of donor children who use the web to search for half-siblings to their children. The conference prioritizes interdisciplinary perspectives and methodologies on how genes, bodies, scientific knowledge, and relatedness travel. We encourage contributions from a wide-range of disciplines within the social and human sciences, e.g. anthropology, sociology, and gender studies.´Presentations should focus on modes and regulations of reproduction and the social and material (un)making of family formations; they may include qualitative research, oral histories, cultural production, visual art, (new) media, literature, film and documentaries, policy documents, etc. Some possible topics and themes include: o (Trans)national adoption o Transnational surrogacy o Fertility travel o Formations of kinship in relation to gender, race and sexuality o Queering concepts of kinship and relatedness o Child-free intimacies o Technology and materiality o Migration, nationality and biopolitics o Fertility law and ethics o Policy and legislation in (trans)national perspectives o New methodological frameworks o Kinship and affectivity o Marketing, selling and buying - the business of family-making Conveners: The research group KinTra funded by the Danish Council on the Humanities and consisting of: Charlotte Kroløkke, University of Southern Denmark; Karen Hvidtfeldt Madsen, University of Southern Denmark, Nathalie Soelmark, University of Southern Denmark; Lene Myong, Aarhus University; Stine Willum Adrian, Aalborg University; Katherine Harrison, University of Southern Denmark & Tine Tjørnhøj-Thomsen, University of Southern Denmark.
9 okt. 2014


KonferenceInternational Conference on Critical Kinship Studies
AfholdelsesstedSyddansk Universitet

ID: 128918326