ICCPR (The IntePolicy Researchrnational Confernce on Cultural Policy Research) (Ekstern organisation)

Aktivitet: Medlemskab - typerMedlemskab af forskningsnetværk

Peter Duelund - Bestyrelsesmedlem

The main function of ICCPR (The International Conference on Cultural Policy Research) is to promote, in association with the International Journal of Cultural Policy, a biennial research conference of high academic standards in different parts of the world. The conference provides an opportunity for researchers to present papers that reflect on cultural policy from any relevant discipline, provided they make an original academic contribution to the field.

The First International Conference on Cultural Policy Research (ICCPR 1999) was held in Bergen, Norway on November 10th – 12th 1999. The main goal of the conference was to establish a more stable international network for researchers within the field of Cultural Policy Research, and to secure the continuity of the network by introducing a biennial conference to be held in different parts of the world. The initiative to organise the ICCPR 1999 was taken by an international group of researchers in cooperation with the International Journal of Cultural Policy.

Peter Duelund var medinitiativertager til den første ICCPR - konference i 1999 og har siden været medlem af netværkets Den Videnskabelige Kommitte, som har det overordnde videnskabelige ansvar for konferencernes afholdelse, valg af temaer, peer review of abstacts etc.

Body type: International forskningsnetværk
1 jul. 19998 jul. 2012

Ekstern organisation

NavnICCPR (The IntePolicy Researchrnational Confernce on Cultural Policy Research)

ID: 37619233