Broadcasting Typographic Man

Aktivitet: Tale eller præsentation - typerForedrag og mundtlige bidrag

Jacob Kreutzfeldt - Foredragsholder

In 1962, the same year as Marshall McLuhan published his critique of typographic representational system in The Gutenberg Galaxy, the Danish author Per Højholt appeared for the first time in Danish national radio. His rather dull performance of poetry reading at that time could seem a confirmation of what McLuhan described as the inability of typographic man to understand electronic media. McLuhan diagnosed contemporary culture as being in transition between a visual and an auditory condition: “[…] today as electricity creates conditions of extreme interdependence on a global scale, we move swiftly again into an auditory world of simultaneous events and over-all awareness. Yet the habits of literacy persist in our speech, our sensibilities, and in our arrangement of the spaces and times of our daily lives” (1962, p. 29). Per Højholt too noticed limitations in typographic representation and increasingly directed attention towards other media, particularly radio, so much so that he became one of the most broadcasted Danish writers. Based on McLuhan’s division between auditory and visual media and spaces the paper compares the staging of poetry in Højholt’s early radio performance with the radio version of his TURBO broadcasted in 1969.
17 mar. 2007

Begivenhed (Konference)


ID: 854060