Artistic Interventions: Histories, Cartographies and Politics in Asia

Aktivitet: Deltagelse i arrangement eller begivenhed - typerDeltagelse i workshop, seminar og kursus

Jane Jin Kaisen - Taler

The Artistic Intervention conference aims to critically interrogate prevailing categorizations of the history and cartography of Asia as institutionalized in Western humanities and open up alternative and new forms of knowledge and practices. In his “hybrid” calligraphy, Xu Bing, for example, negotiates and deconstructs the alleged connection between Chinese language and culture, and thus shows us that different histories are possible. In Indonesia, Wilman Syanur retells the story of Obama in connection to the president’s youth spent in Indonesia and his subsequent forgetting or silencing of which, in the United States. Tozer Pak travels to Tokyo and chooses to be guided by the page folds, the hidden routes, of a guidebook to experience an alternative city. In Japan, Satomi Matoba creates fictitious maps in which Pearl Harbour and Hiroshima are merged together, thus superimposing different localities that are connected by a troubled history. A two-day workshop/conference will gather art practitioners, critics, organizers and academics from America, Asia and Europe to present papers and art works contributing to deconstruct the normative categorization and explore different approaches to time and space in Asia. The workshop/conference will be held in Hong Kong in March/April 2015 and will be convened by Prof. Jeroen de Kloet (UVA, Amsterdam), Dr. Sadiah Boonstra (IIAS, Leiden), and Dr. Yiu Fai Chow (Hong Kong Baptist University). Day 1 will be a PhD workshop during which around 10 PhD Candidates will present their papers. Participants who will speak at the public conference on Day 2 will reflect on their papers. Day 2 will be a public conference for which the work of another 10 researchers, artists, and art critics will be selected for presentation. We anticipate that the outcome of this two-day workshop/conference will be a special journal issue or an edited volume.
30 mar. 201531 mar. 2015


KonferenceArtistic Interventions: Histories, Cartographies and Politics in Asia
AfholdelsesstedHong Kong Baptist University
LandHong Kong
ByHong Kong

ID: 135673248